戦乱の幕開け・青獅子の学級 To War (Blue Lions)
(大広間 夕方)
Reception Hall | Afternoon
アロイス: 皆、聞け!すでに帝国軍は目前まで迫っている!
Alois: Listen up, everyone! The Imperial army is upon us.
If you can fight, pick up a weapon! Everyone else, hurry up and evacuate!
We have the goddess's protection on our side. We have nothing to fear. Victory will be ours!
カトリーヌ: Byleth、準備はできてるか?
Catherine: Professor. Are you ready?
Byleth: すぐに準備する Almost.
カトリーヌ: そうしてくれ。わかってるとは思うけど、今の状況は最悪だ。
Catherine: Well, hurry up. I don't need to tell you that the situation is dire.
We have some support troops from the local nobles, but the army we're facing is immense. No matter how you look at it, we're at a disadvantage.
To make matters worse, the enemy is being led by Edelgard. Do not underestimate how extraordinary her abilities are.
ディミトリ: ……ようやく来たようだな。
Dimitri: They're here. At long last.
フェリクス: フン……今回ばかりは、歯応えのある戦いになりそうだ。
Felix: It seems this will be a battle to remember. About time.
アッシュ: 大軍が相手でも……僕は絶対に諦めません。最後まで足掻いてみせます!
Ashe: I'll never give up, no matter how outnumbered we are. I'll fight to the very end!
シルヴァン: まったく……こうなる前に、一度くらい皇女様を口説いておくべきだったな。
Sylvain: Hm, I should have made a move on the Imperial princess before things got this far. It could have changed everything.
メルセデス: きっと主のご加護があるわ~。大丈夫よ、みんなで一緒に頑張りましょう。
Mercedes: We have the goddess's divine protection on our side. All that's left to do is to try our best.
アネット: こうなった以上、精一杯戦うだけだよね。怖くないって言えば、嘘になるけど……
Annette: All we can do is fight as best as we can. Though...if I'm being honest, I'm really scared right now...
イングリット: 王国も、大修道院も、彼女に渡すわけにはいかない……何としてでも止めてみせます!
Ingrid: We can't just hand over the Kingdom and the monastery. We'll stop her, no matter what it takes!
ドゥドゥー: ……殿下。ご気分が、優れないようですが……
Dedue: Your Highness, you do not seem...well.
ディミトリ: はは……気分が悪い、だと?何を言っているんだ、ドゥドゥー。
Dimitri: Hah! Unwell, you say? What's gotten into you?
Nothing could be further from the truth. I'm so happy I can hardly contain myself.
My father, my stepmother, my dear friends? They want her head. They want her life! They've whispered as much to me.
And the chance to answer their pleas has arrived, at long last!
Choice 1: 冷静に戦おう Don't lose control out there.
ディミトリ: ははっ……俺はいたって冷静だよ、先生。冷静に、彼女を殺すことだけを考えている。
Dimitri: Hahaha! I'm always in control, Professor! And I'll stay in control until I have the pleasure of killing that woman!
Choice 2: 一人で逸るな Don't act rashly. We're all in this together.
ディミトリ: はは、もちろんわかっているさ……。だがエーデルガルトは、俺の手で殺す。
Dimitri: Haha! Of course, of course! But don't mistake my intentions. Edelgard will die by my hand, and mine alone.
ディミトリ: さあ行こう、先生。この命に代えても、あの女の首をへし折ってやる……!
Dimitri: Let's move, Professor. Even if it costs me my life, I won't rest until I've crushed her skull in my bare hands!